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Traditional Medicinals Holiday Teas Organic Peace on Earth Peppermint Tea Bags- 16 CT

Herbal Supplement. Holiday Teas. Since 1974. Created by herbalists. Organic. 16 wrapped tea bags. Non GMO Project verified. USDA organic. Personality: calm, cool and collected, uplifting. Herbal Power: Soothes your belly and alleviates digestive discomfort. Reason to Love: Mentha x piperita, more commonly known as peppermint, is one cool dude. Sure, you'll find it in candy canes, breath mints, toothpastes. But we think perfect, plain old peppermint tea is the place where it really shines. Peppermint people everywhere will rejoice in the clean, fresh, invigorating taste of the mintiest peppermint we've ever found anywhere. Taste: Undeniably pepperminty, aromatic and refreshing. According to food historians, the world's first candies were fruits, nuts, and herbs, preserved with honey and probably used to aid digestive troubles. It's no wonder that peppermint, a soothing digestive herb, has become one of the most popular flavors for candy. During the holidays, you'll find it everywhere, especially in the ubiquitous candy cane. Thus, we offer Peace on Earth Peppermint-for those times those times when you don't want a sweet candy, but you do want a pepperminty treat to soothe your belly. We've Got the Right Stuff: We raise the bar. The quality standard of the herbs we use is hard to pronounce, difficult to meet, and it's what makes us different, better. We're not ashamed to say it. Pharmacopoeial: it's the only quality standard our herbalists can rely on when blending teas for your health and wellness. 100% certified organic ingredients. Certified B corporation. Reduce, Reuse Recycle: 100% recycled carton (average of 35% verified post-consumer waste). Solar & Wind Power: Our solar panels provide the majority of the energy to manufacture this product. We offset the rest with renewable energy credits. Compostable Tea Bags: Tea bags are made from compostable manila fiber paper. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease).